March 10, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

The next few posts are most likely going to be things I did back in January that I just haven't gotten around to putting on here. I'm afraid it's nothing too exciting but I took these pictures with the intention of blogging about them so that's what I'm doing!

Our new house has an add-on from the previous owners. At the moment, it is referred to as the "gameroom", although it is actually more of an office, craft space, storage, and gaming room. Whatever it is, it's sole purpose shortly after we moved in was a sort of catch-all for the junk we just didn't have a place for yet. Well, if anyone is unsure about whether or not "nesting" is for real, the following pictures should be proof that it is. Two days before I went to the hospital to have Drew, I cleaned the gameroom from top to bottom. It was literally an all day project, and you better believe my whole body was sore the next day!

This is what I was working with:

It may not look that bad, but trust me, it was. As you can see, the closet was mine. I kept all my stuff for scrapbooking in there but really couldn't be productive in this sad spot, so while cleaning I decided to move my things elsewhere, whether the hubs liked it or not.

After several, grueling hours bending over to pick up all this junk with a 9 month, pregnant belly constantly in the way, I have to say I was pretty satisfied with the results.

my new scrap space:

Seeing as how it's been about a month and a half since these pictures were taken, it's not exactly this tidy anymore. Being more organized with my scrapping supplies always gives me the urge to actually get some layouts done, and lets be honest, when I'm productively scrapbooking things can get more than a little messy. I've also been moving things around the house (I'm still trying to figure out where I want decorations, etc., to end up) so it's also going strong as a storage space once again; however, it's nowhere near what it was in the top pictures and that's good enough for me.. for now. 

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